Instant Peeping is a project exploring behaviour and data patterns among Instagram users.
The prototype works as a real time GPS image discovery tool for selected cities...
including; Stockholm, New York, London, Tokyo and Paris. Take a peek...
With the rise of social media, sharing content and mobile location services, Instant Peeping acts as a real time
live experiment to generate greater insight and data into the what, where and when of posting habits and user engagement.
What are the behaviours and how do these differ by analysing various locations and cultures globally.
In the fast moving, share everything anytime world we live in today, there is a general subconscious misbelief
that things disappear, content is private or safe and if you delete something, it’s gone forever.
The NSA, Prism exposure by Edward Snowden helped fuel awareness about these sensitive topics.
Instant Peeping builds on this effect but takes a more friendly approach by giving users a type
of service or entertainment in the form of a social discovery application, focusing on the phenomenon
and engagement around the instagram platform.